Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Little Weirdo

There is only one way to describe this beagle boy. 

He's a little weirdo.

If he were human, he would be a game show contestant. He stands mesmerized by the blinking lights, jumpy people and all that clapping.

He is hyper and loopy; but give him some cuddles and he'll melt like butter. 

The reason we have new flooring is he.

Our Little Weirdo.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Meet Kitty Baby

Hello Kitty Baby!

Baby has been a part of our family for 11 years. He was probably a couple years old when we adopted him from the shelter. 

Guess he's not a baby anymore!

You wouldn't know how spoiled he is because he always seems so put-upon. One would think he buys the kitty food and cleans the litter box. 

If the food bowl isn't filled or the litter box smells, he will run me down to lead me to the problem.

So, there IS much responsibility in overseeing these chores, of course.

Kitty Baby suffers through life cohabiting with two beagles. You think you have problems?

For such a grouch, Baby is always in the mood for a cuddle.

Meow, Kitty Baby!